Parsley tea | Parsley and Cilantro juice for kidney | Benefits of parsley tea | Kidney Cleansing tea | Bharadwaj Kitchen

Parsley tea | Parsley and Cilantro juice for kidney | Benefits of parsley tea | Kidney Cleansing tea

Parsley tea | Parsley and Cilantro juice for kidney | Benefits of parsley tea | Kidney Cleansing tea
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Are you looking for kidney cleansing tea? Here is a parsley tea for kidney and benefits of parsley tea. And also Cilantro(coriander leaves)-Parsley detox juice for kidney.

Further cleanse your kidney naturally using Parsley as Parsley tea & Coriander(cilantro)- Parsley juice for kidney to flush out toxins. The health benefits of parsley are innumerable. Most importantly, both parsley and cilantro are potent herbs, which has amazing health benefits.

Moreover parsley & Cilantro looks like alike, but both are different herbs. Clearly cilantro means coriander leaves in India, which we widely use in Indian cuisine & normally use for garnishing. But these herbs are not only for garnishing, but also has a healthful vitamins and powerful nutrients.

Furthermore this parsley & cilantro juice is a simple, vibrant and delicious with a wonderful healing properties. Undoubtedly, both parsley and coriander leaves helps to flush out the toxins from kidney and liver naturally. Hence here is a healthy parsley recipe in 2 ways for cleansing kidneys.

How to make Parsley juice for kidney cleanse

Firstly, wash parsley and coriander leaves 2 to 3 times to get rid of mud particles. Then put all the ingredients in a blender jar like, handful of parsley, coriander leaves and lemon with enough water. Juicing parsley to a fine texture and add honey or any natural sweetener. Once done drink it sip by sip and enjoy a healthy detox juice to get all the benefits. For best result, drink this juice on empty stomach.

How to make a Parsley tea

Secondly, we make natural kidney cleanse parsley tea.  For that, just boil a handful of parsley with water. And boil for 8 to 10 mins. Then strain it and  store this tea in a thermos flask. For best result enjoy 1 cup of parsley tea on empty stomach. Surely, instead of green tea, you can have this detox tea.


  1. Helps in Kidney Cleaning and acts as Kidney stone preventer
  2. It is an antioxidant and works as Liver detoxifier
  3. Reduces cancer risks.
  4. Improves immune function
  5. Beats inflammation
  6. Protects Blood vessels
  7. Improves Bone health
  8. Protects against Diabetics
  9. Serves as natural antibiotic
  10. Keeps the heart healthy
  11. Supports Weight loss

Finally, for more recipes of this kind, please do follow

Here is the step to step photo and video of cleansing Parsley Juice & Tea.

Heallthy Parsley

Parsley tea | Parsley and Cilantro juice for kidney | Benefits of parsley tea | Kidney Cleansing tea

Parsley & cilantro leaves juice for natural kidney cleansing and liver detoxification. Both Parsley & cilantro are potent herbs, which has incredible health benefits. Parsley and cilantro, both are different herbs. Cilantro means coriander leaves, which we normally use for garnishing. This Parsley cilantro juice is a simple and powerful green drink packed with healthful vitamins and powerful nutrients. This juice helps to cleanse the kidney & liver toxins naturally. Further parsley tea has diuretic effects, is antioxidant- rich and flavonoid- rich. Here is the healthy parsley in 2 ways for kidney  cleansing and liver detoxification.
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Course: healthy drink
Cuisine: Indian
Keyword: ayurvedic, Detox, Nutritious, WeightLoss
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes


Ingredients For Parsley & Cilantro Juice:

  • Handful parsley
  • Handful cilantro (coriander leaves)
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tbsp honey

Ingredients For Parsley Tea:

  • Handful parsley
  • 2 cups water


Making Of Parsley & Cilantro Juice:

  • Firstly take a blender and add chopped parsley and coriander leaves.
  • Next add lemon juice and water.
  • Blend this mixture to a smooth juice consistency.
  • Transfer this blended mixture to a bowl and add honey.
  • Mix it well and pour this to a glass jar.
  • Now the cleansing parsley & cilantro juice is ready to enjoy!

Making Of Parsley Tea:

  • Firstly heat a sauce pan or a small pot on moderate flame and add 2 cups of water.
  • Next add a handful of parsley leaves and mix it.
  • Bring this to a boil for 8 to 10 mins. Turn off the heat.
  • Strain this mixture and store it a thermos.
  • Now the parsley tea is ready to drink.
  • Enjoy this parsley tea regularly for best result.
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Making Of Parsley & Cilantro Juice:

  1. Firstly take a blender and add chopped parsley and coriander leaves.

    Heallthy Parsley Heallthy Parsley

  2. Next add lemon juice and water.

    Heallthy Parsley Heallthy Parsley

  3. Blend this mixture to a smooth juice consistency.

    Heallthy Parsley

  4. Transfer this blended mixture to a bowl and add honey.

    Heallthy Parsley Heallthy Parsley

  5. Mix it well and pour this to a glass jar.

    health benefits of parsley

  6. Now the cleansing parsley & cilantro juice is ready to enjoy!

    coriander and parsley juice for kidneys

Making Of Parsley Tea:

  1. Firstly heat a sauce pan or a small pot on moderate flame and add 2 cups of water.

    Heallthy Parsley

  2. Next add a handful of parsley leaves and mix it.

    Heallthy Parsley

  3. Bring this to a boil for 8 to 10 mins. Turn off the heat.

    Heallthy Parsley

  4. Strain this mixture and store it a thermos.

    kidney cleansing tea

  5. Now the parsley tea is ready to drink.

    benefits of parsley tea

  6. Enjoy this parsley tea regularly for best result.

    Heallthy Parsley

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