Agni tea | Ayurveda Agni tea | How to increase digestive fire | Digestive tea | Bharadwaj Kitchen

Agni tea | Ayurveda Agni tea | How to increase digestive fire | Digestive tea

Agni tea | Ayurveda Agni tea | How to increase digestive fire | Digestive tea
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How to increase digestive fire? It is by simple digestive tea, Agni tea. Agni means an element of fire, one of the five elements in the body. Most importantly, In Ayurveda it also denotes the digestive fire in the intestines (jataragni). Agni is the Sanskrit term. It breakdown the food & other things we ingest from the environment. Also assimilating what is useful & eliminating the rest.

According to ayurveda, the health & well being depends on our ability to digest everything, what we take. Agni, our digestive fire is responsible for processing & absorbing the foods we eat. Also this agni is the main contributor to our physical as well as mental health.

Further, when the digestive fire or agni is strong, then our digestive ability is good. Thus we create a healthy tissues & eliminating the waste products efficiently. But when the agni is poor or low or weak, then we get sick &  produces toxins, that get stored in the body. In ayurveda, this toxic residue, known as “ama“, the root cause of many diseases.

Even more about 90% of disease & imbalance is caused due to the malfunctioning agni. In ayurveda, when agni needs to function properly, then there will be no problem. Hence we have good digestion capacity. However the malfunctioning agni can produce ama.  Also ama is undigested food for too long period. Thus ama creates many health issues. So healthy agni is essential for our body & mind.

Agni Tea helps to create a healthy agni in our body. Here the main ingredients for agni tea are, ginger, cayenne pepper & rock salt. Cayenne pepper & ginger provides cleansing effect on bowel. This is very easy to prepare and even tasty too. Store this tea in a thermos flask and enjoy this digestive tea throughout the day before meal.

Signs Of Healthy Agni:

  • Regular bowel movements.
  • Looks clear, light, confident and energized.
  •  Feel real hunger for next meal
  • Well performed poop
  • Tongue is pink
  • Feels comfortable weight
  • Clarity of mind

Signs Of Malfunctioning Agni:

  • Weak or loss of appetite
  • White coating on tongue (sign of ama)
  • Bloating, gas, constipation
  • Stool tends to be small, dry or hard
  • Low energy, get tired easily
  • Irregular eating patterns

Vata people have varied agni. Pitta people tend to have a very strong agni, because of their natural heat. Kapha people have low agni, which results in Kapha imbalance.

Healthy benefits of Agni Tea

  • Balancing agni in your body
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Performs of digestion, absorption
  • Supports weight loss
  • May lower blood pressure
  • May help relieve pain
  • provides detox supports
  • Works as anti-irritant
  • Treat Psoriasis
  • Source of vitamin A & E

Finally, do try our other recipes too

Here is the simple, healthy Agni Tea with step by step photos and a detailed vide

Agni tea | Ayurveda Agni tea | How to increase digestive fire | Digestive tea

Agni means an element of fire, one of the five elements in the body. Most importantly, In Ayurveda it also denotes the digestive fire in the intestines (jataragni). This agni is the main contributor to our physical and mental health. So a strong, balanced agni is fundamental to good health. when digestion is working well you feel clear, light, confident and energized. But when digstion is unbalanced, it creates "AMA" is undigested food , is the root cause of many other diseases. So healthy agni is essential for our body & mind. Agni tea is a simple, healthy beverage which helps to regulate and stimulate the digestive function. Further, this agni tea is a appetite stimulating tea. This is very easy to prepare & even tasty too. Store this in thermos flask and enjoy this digestive tea throughout the day before meal. 
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Course: healthy drink
Cuisine: Indian
Keyword: ayurvedic, Healthy
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 22 minutes
Calories: 34kcal


  • 2 cup water
  • 1 inch ginger crushed
  • 1/4 tsp rock salt
  • pinch cayenne pepper
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 to 3 tbsp honey or any natural sweetener


How To Make Ayurvedic Agni Tea:

  • Firstly heat a small pot or sauce pan and add 2 cup of water.
  • Next add crushed ginger and rock salt.
  • Also add a pinch of cayenne pepper. Do not add two much cayenne pepper. Because its too spicy.
  • Give it a good mix and then bring to a boil for 15 to 20 mins.
  • Now turn off the heat and allow this drink to cool  for a few minutes.
  • Take a small bowl and strain the prepared drink, using a strainer.
  • Similarly add lemon juice and honey. 
  • Mix it well and pour this tea to a glass jar or thermos.
  • Now the healthy agni tea is ready to serve!
  • Enjoy this tea throughout the day before meal.


Health Benefits of Agni Tea:
  1. Balancing Agni in your body
  2. Boost Your Metabolism
  3. Performs of Digestion, absorption 
  4. Can Help Reduce Hunger, Supports Weight Loss
  5. May Lower Blood Pressure
  6. May Help Relieve Pain
  7. Provides Detox Support
  8. Works as Anti-Irritant
  9. Treats Psoriasis
  10. Source of Vitamin A & E
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!!


How To Make Ayurvedic Agni Tea:

  1. Firstly heat a small pot or sauce pan and add 2 cup of water.

    agni tea

  2. Next add crushed ginger and rock salt.

    agni tea agni tea

  3. Also add a pinch of cayenne pepper. Do not add two much cayenne pepper. Because its too spicy.

    agni tea agni tea

  4. Give it a good mix and then bring to a boil for 15 to 20 mins.

    agni tea

  5. Now turn off the heat and allow this drink to cool  for a few minutes.

    agni tea

  6. Take a small bowl and strain the prepared drink, using a strainer.

    agni tea

  7. Similarly add lemon juice and honey.

    agni tea how to increase digestive fire

  8. Mix it well and pour this tea to a glass jar or thermos.

  9. Now the healthy agni tea is ready to serve!

    digestive tea

  10. Enjoy this tea throughout the day before meal.

    agni tea

    Disclaimer: The main purpose of these Ayurvedic recipes is just to provide the information about the home remedies, traditional & ancient recipes. Before trying anything please identify your body type (Dosha) like Vata, Pitta, Kapha & then try which will suit for you. More importantly, if you have a medical condition or pregnant or nursing, please consult a professional Ayurvedic doctor before taking anything. This website is just for information & educational purpose. We are just preparing the ancient Ayurvedic preparation.

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